Custom Foundation

The Blackwell Cosmetics Experience

Posted by Andrea Blackwell on

How many of you feel uneasy when you walk up to a makeup counter?

Is a teenager helping you?

Could you be their mom?

Are they really going to know what to do?

Do they understand you aren’t trying to look young and hip, you just want develop a look that fits your age and your style?

And this is before they even start!!

I’ve had them apply colors that were not even in my color family! How good is that going to look?

You’re right, not good at all!


You need an expert in color, color values, and someone who has lived a little if you want to look your best at any age. If you are between the ages of 35-65 you are realizing that things don’t work the way they used to. This is the reality, but it is also a wonderful opportunity to learn the techniques specific to you, your face, your coloring, and your lifestyle.


When you go in to a busy store, speed is the name of the game. The more people they “help” the higher the likely hood of commissioning sales. But where does that leave you?

Buying makeup should be personal. This is your face we are talking about ladies!

Understanding your color, your needs, your lifestyle, all need to be taken in to consideration. If you are in and out quick there is no relationship, no understanding, just more stuff.

Is that what you want?

Blackwell Cosmetics

My appointments are 60 minutes.

We discuss what is working for you, what isn’t, and I give you step-by-step instructions along with a face chart for you take home with you. My goal is to educate you to be able to look exactly how you want to every single day.   

I am not a department store, I do not have time limits, or quotas. I am in the relationship business first, makeup second. It is all about my relationship with you and your skin. Within my hundreds of eye shadows, blushes, concealers, eye and lip pencils, on top of my custom foundation, we create the perfect look for you. Just for you.